Freitag, 12. August 2011


4 Kommentare:

Kaya hat gesagt…

Hello Hans-Peter,

This is a very beautiful and mysterious image. An artist created a beautiful tree on top of rock or it might be shadows from the tree and you masterfully showed them in your photograph. This photograph puzzles me and fascinates. It done so beautifully!!!

Thank you very much for your wonderful comment on my blog. It brought a lot of joy to me. I also would like to say that all you comments mean a lot to me. You are a beautiful artist!!!!

Greetings from Kaya.

Art hat gesagt…

This picture is really beautiful, you are very creative!

isabella kramer - veredit hat gesagt…

lieber Hans-Peter,
was für ein traumhaft schönes Bild - wie ein japanisches Tuschebild, voller Poesie und von starker Ausdruckskraft!

ganz liebe Grüße

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment hat gesagt…

Interesting shadow shot.